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Very nice detailed spacecraft you have here! Also the control instructions are super clever and looking very nice! Sidemoving was horrible at first version, and in my opinion, it still is.

Visually pleasing! The buttons, the font, the rocket, atmosphere, all of it. 

The cooldown in sideways motion annoyed me at first but after a few tries it did give the game a nice extra challenge. Adding an indicator was a nice touch!

Space looks awesomely cold and floating instructions are neat.
Atheistics are great but movement cooldown doesn't work for me or maybe it should be shorter than 1sec?
Great work!

(1 edit)

The detailed spacecraft really shines here, the visuals overall are very cool. The glowing, floating instructions really looked awesome. The sideways movement felt a bit odd, since it just jumps to the side and it really doesn't like if I pressed it more than once in a one second timespan. "RERTY" made me chuckle, sorry! The red text on the start button really clashes against the cold atmosphere, maybe change that to something equally cold and it really is a nice menu.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the comment.

Yes the movement is still WIP. It's actually on a 1second cooldown that just doesn't have any indicator yet. I am also trying to make the whole dash a smooth fixed movement instead of the teleport it currently is. 

*Edit Updated the game

Tis game was visually cool, especially the space ship itself. The start button is quite large and burns my eyes with the red text. Love the floating control instructions! And awesome backgrounds. Retry button is misspelled. The sideways motion looks really nice but feels a bit clumsy and slow especially with how fast the asteroids are. And whatever that robot octopus thing is at the start, I'll have two.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the criticism!

Oh my goodness that misspelling is just embarrassing. I even have it on the image and still somehow missed it...


*Edit Updated the game